TACT Bylaws
The pronoun "he" in this document refers to both males and females.
Recognizing that the colleges and universities of Texas exist for the benefit of the students of these institutions and the people who support them, and believing that the people of Texas want, and should have, the best education system for higher education in the nation, we herewith dedicate ourselves to the development of a program designed to assist all like-minded persons and groups in attaining excellence in higher education in Texas.
We therefore pledge ourselves to strive for the highest personal standards of teaching, scholarship, and research.
In order to further these objectives, we herewith establish these bylaws.
Official Name
This organization shall be called the Texas Association of College Teachers.
Sec. 1 The membership year shall be for a 12-month period from the time initial dues are paid. If a membership lapses for more than 3 months, a new membership cycle begins.
Sec. 2 Types of Membership Dues:
A. REGULAR MEMBER. Any full-time college or university teacher, administrator, librarian, counselor, professional staff, service or research personnel working under the direction of the college shall be eligible for Regular Membership.
B. AFFILIATE MEMBER. Any college or university retiree, professor on disability leave, part-time faculty, and administrative staff person, graduate assistant or assistant instructor who is not paid on a full-time salary basis or Board-approved layperson shall be eligible for Affiliate Membership. Any institutional library, non-academic personnel wishing to receive TACT publications shall be eligible for Affiliate Membership.
C. BUSINESS MEMBER. Any business wishing to aid higher education and receive TACT publications shall be eligible for Business Membership.
D. LIFE MEMBER. The Life Membership category has been discontinued. Current Life Memberships will be honored.
E. The amount of dues to be paid in each membership category will be determined by the State Board of Directors.
F. All membership dues shall be sent to and processed by the State Office. Each local chapter shall receive an amount to be determined by the State Board of Directors upon recommendation of the State Board for each member processed to finance the work of the local chapter.
State Association
Sec. 1 OFFICERS. The State Board of Directors (hereafter referred to as “State Board”) of the Association shall consist of President, President-elect or Immediate Past President, Vice Presidents of Financial Affairs, Legislative Affairs and Membership Affairs. Directors are the Immediate Past President who will serve on the State Board the one year there is no President-elect to serve. The President, by majority vote of the State Board, may appoint additional persons to serve as Directors at Large for a one-year term. All members of the State Board are voting members.
Sec. 2 NOMINATIONS. Nominations for the President-elect, Vice Presidents of Financial Affairs, Legislative Affairs and Membership shall be presented by a five (5) member committee composed of past State Board members. The Chair of the Nominating Committee must have held State Office. This committee shall be appointed by the President at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual membership meeting. It shall seek recommendations from individual members for guidance in making its report. The committee shall nominate at least one person for each elected position, and the list of nominees shall be made known to members at least thirty (30) days before the elections. Additional nominations from the floor shall be in order.
Sec. 3 ELECTION. Officers of the State Board shall be elected by secret ballot (unless suspended by unanimous consent) and by majority vote of those present and eligible to vote at the annual membership meeting. Online elections are permitted.
Sec. 4 TERM OF OFFICE. The State Board shall take office on June 1 following the election. The President shall serve a term of two (2) years. The President-elect shall serve a term of one (1) year during the year of the legislative session. The Immediate Past President will serve on the TACT State Board for one (1) year. The Vice Presidents of Financial Affairs, Legislative Affairs, and Membership shall serve a two (2) year term. The Vice President of Financial Affairs and the Vice President of Legislative Affairs shall be elected in odd-numbered years and the Vice President of Membership shall be elected in even-numbered years.
Sec. 5 SUCCESSION TO OFFICE. In case the Presidency becomes vacant for any reason, the President-elect shall assume the duties and office of the President and become President. In the event the President-elect succeeds to the office of President, he shall serve the unexpired term to which he is elected.
Sec. 6 VACANCY IN OFFICE. The State Board shall fill any vacancies in office not provided for in Section 5.
Sec. 7 REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. A member of the State Board may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership in a regular or called meeting, provided sixty (60) days notice is given to the general membership that such action is to be considered. Charges must be filed in writing and the accused be given the opportunity for defense in an open hearing before a vote is taken.
Sec. 8 DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT. The President, as executive head of the Association, shall preside over the meetings of the State Board and general meetings of the membership. The President shall be the official representative and spokesperson for the Association. Unless otherwise provided, the President shall appoint all committees. It shall be the President’s responsibility to see that the provisions of the Bylaws are followed, and also that decisions of the State Board are put into effect.
Sec. 9 DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT-ELECT. Whenever the President is unable to perform the duties of the Presidency, it shall be the responsibility of the President-elect to assume the duties of the office for whatever period of time is necessary. The President-elect shall be a member of the State Board and be of general assistance to the President in sharing the responsibility of leadership for the Association. In case the Presidency becomes vacant, the President-elect shall immediately become President.
Sec. 10 DUTIES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. The Vice President of Financial Affairs shall be responsible for safekeeping of the Association’s funds, authorizing expenditures, making financial reports annually and at such other times as the State Board may request; ensure proper auditing of the Association’s books; and development. The Vice President of Financial Affairs may delegate to pay State Office personnel such of the above duties as are necessary and desirable, and instruct them to give reasonable assistance as may be needed. The manner of carrying out the functions of the office is subject to the approval of the State Board as stated in Article VI of these Bylaws.
Sec. 11 DUTIES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF MEMBERSHIP. The Vice President for Membership shall be responsible for chairing and coordinating the activities of the Membership Committee and working with the professional staff to develop marketing strategies aimed at further developing the membership.
Sec. 12 DUTIES OF THE DIRECTOR(S) AT LARGE. The Directors at Large shall be given liaison duties between the State Board and members. They shall provide support to the Vice Presidents of Membership and Legislative Affairs. Directors at Large should make an effort to improve communications between faculties and administrations on each campus where Texas Association of College Teachers has a presence, should be actively involved in decisions made by the State Board and attempt to improve public awareness of the objectives of the Texas Association of College Teachers to promote excellence in higher education in Texas.
Sec. 13 DUTIES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS. The Vice President of Legislative Affairs will serve as chair of the State Legislative Committee with responsibilities as outlined in Article VII, Sec. 2.
State Board
Sec. 1 The State Board shall meet at the call of the President or at the request of any three (3) members.
Sec. 2 The State Board shall have full responsibility for:
A. Approving all fiscal procedures:
1) Designation of the depository for state funds.
2) Selection of an auditor for the Association’s books.
3) Collection of funds.
4) Disbursement of state funds.
B. Staffing and operation of State Office.
C. Preparing an annual budget to report during the annual membership meeting.
D. Organizing and presenting a recommended program for the Association.
E. Implementing the policies established by the State Board
Sec. 3 A quorum for meetings of the State Board shall be the number of dues paying board members present.
Sec. 4 All matters voted on by the State Board shall be determined by a majority vote.
Standing Committees
Sec. 1. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE. The Vice President of Membership is the Chair of the Membership Committee. Each Director at Large shall be a member of this committee. The President will appoint, with approval of the State Board, a Membership Committee.
Sec. 2 LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE. The Vice President of Legislative Affairs is the Chair of the Legislative Committee. The President will appoint, with approval of the State Board, a State Legislative Committee. Each Director at Large shall be a member of this committee. Each committee member will have the responsibility of disseminating information to association members and of maintaining communication with members of the Legislature from their home districts.
State Office
Sec. 1 The State Office shall be located in whatever city the State Board deems desirable.
Amendments to Bylaws
Sec. 1 The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the membership at any regular or called meeting.
Sec. 2 Notice of a proposed amendment to the Bylaws is submitted in writing to the State Office at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting of the membership.
Sec. 3 If no advance notice, or inadequate notice, of amendments to the Bylaws has been given, these may be proposed at any regular or called meeting of the membership and shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those voting delegates present for passage.
Items Not Covered by the Bylaws
Items not covered by these Bylaws shall be determined by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Amended June 2, 2012