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College After Covid - Budget Cuts, Pay Freezes and No SAT/ACT Scores for Admission

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

With everyone still in lockdown, colleges and universities across the state are preparing for measures to save money and allow more access for students. The University of Texas announced Wednesday that summer classes will be only offered online and cost 50% of the normal rate, while there will be no cost change for graduate and professional student summer courses. UT also stated that faculty pay will remain the same as they strive to keep all employees. See article.

In addition to budget cuts and a plethora of online classes, the College Board and ACT Inc. canceled June exams, prompting some universities to suspend test requirements for fall 2021. According to this CNN article, 51 colleges and universities across the U.S. have made that decision or will make the requirement optional.

Colleges have started to make announcements this week regarding what their budget changes will be in anticipation of students not being able to afford college this summer and possibly beyond. With Governor Abbott making a statement today on plans to open Texas up for business, we expect to see more and more university letters describing their budget and curriculum plans.

If you have news on your college, please email TACT at

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